King and Queen
- Biscoe
- Brookeshire
- Bruington
- Cauthornville
- Clancie
- Coldwater
- Cologne
- Contra
- Crouch
- Cumnor
- Daisy
- Dragonville
- Elsom
- Gressitt
- Helmet
- Henleys Fork
- Hockley
- Indian Neck
- Ino
- King and Queen Court House
- Little Plymouth
- Locust Grove
- Mantapike
- Mascot
- Mattaponi
- Minor
- Owenton
- Plain View
- Powcan
- Rickahock
- Roane
- Salvia
- Shacklefords
- Shacklefords Fork
- Shanghai
- Snow Hill
- Stevensville
- Truhart
- Velma
- Walkerton
- Whitehall